Year: 2017
Client: Coop
VFX Studio: Fable FX
I was responsible for grooming and creating the look development of the donkey for the Christmas advert of Coop.
Year: 2017
Client: Coop
VFX Studio: Fable FX
I was responsible for grooming and creating the look development of the donkey for the Christmas advert of Coop.
Year: 2017
Client: Coop
VFX Studio: Fable FX
I was responsible for grooming and creating the look development of the donkey for the Christmas advert of Coop.
Gabriela Salmeron
The Convert node is responsible for converting Strands to Fibers and vice versa. It is very useful in many cases, such as to create mustaches or specific loose hairs. After its conversion, it can be deformed by nodes like Width or Bend.
The resolution of the wires, that is, their number of segments, will be determined by the number of segments of the Groom.

Example File:
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Double Conversions
We can use the Convert node to temporarily convert one type to another and then return it to the original with applied deformations.
In the example below, we use the Convert node to curl a Groom guide procedurally and then convert it back to Strand so that it can be used with the Comb node. So we do not have to comb the curls in Groom's guides, which would be laborious, and we guarantee that they will correctly follow the guidance of the Groom guide.

Example File:
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